Even mindfreek, who thinks Yosemite looks 'very nice,' called it impractical and lacking the boldness of the previous version of OS X, Mavericks.
Abiewasabi had a different take than ours about the clean design, calling the graphics 'childish, garish and simplistic.' Emgbeeker says the updated user interface 'suffers from many bad usability decisions,' with vedmant specifically calling out the bright colors and hard-to-read text as being 'a huge step back for Apple' that distorts the reasons for switching to a flat design. Yosemite didn't leave a good first impression on many. What is it about Yosemite that makes it more shaky than solid for many users? 'Slapping a new coat of bright paint and changing the system font to Helvetica does not constitute a major OS release.' - emgbeeker Almost 30 of you chimed in on Yosemite's product database page to give this iteration of OS X a user score of 4.8 out of 10, possibly making it the most contentious product on our site. However, quite a few of our readers disagreed. And at first glance that's just fine: In our own review we called Yosemite 'a solid update for Mac users' that offered a 'clean new design' and close integration with iOS devices. The public beta of OS X El Capitan might be out now, but plenty of users will continue using OS X Yosemite through the fall and beyond.